Working together to make Saskatchewan safer, one company at a time

Working together to make Saskatchewan safer,

one company at a time.


Glasser Safety Services is keenly suited for small companies that do not have the resources for a full time safety person; managing safety activities such as: planned inspections, ensuring investigations find a root cause, increasing the effectiveness of your Occupational Health & Safety Committee. Regular visits to the facility(ies) at intervals chosen by management to best meet the needs of your organization will be scheduled for the success of your health & safety program.

Safety - The Return On Investment with Glasser Safety Services: Learn to effectively run your committees so as to achieve the best possible ROI.


Safety Program Development and Implementation

Does your company need a safety program developed? Or do you have a safety program but have no idea how to implement the program or elements of the program? Glasser Safety Services specializes in developing the programs that meet the needs of your company, regardless of the size of the company, and ensures management understands how implementation should progress.

If your company chooses, to have your safety program implemented for you, a schedule of implementation will be completed and regular visits to your facility will ensure the program is fully implemented for you. Employee involvement is the key to a successfully implemented program; I can help you achieve engagement and buy-in.

Gap Analysis and Auditing

Regardless of your organization’s industry, (construction, manufacturing, etc.) understanding the current gaps of your facility to the Association’s Audit Tool can be identified and action planned for successful elimination of deficiencies.


Many inspections are required by the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations, but which apply to your organization or facility? Navigating the Safety Regulations can be difficult for someone who isn’t familiar with them, I can help steer the efforts of the facility to ensure not only compliance but also elevate the inspections performed to ensure they identify hazards at the facility and guide the facility through the process of mitigating the hazards identified.


Are the Investigations completed at your facility stopping the incident from happening again, or finding the root cause of the incident? If not, your company is wasting money “going through the motions” without real results. Investigators need to be fully trained to get the results needed to prevent future injuries; I can help with that training which will get the organization return on the investment made in investigations.

Committee Effectiveness

Is your committee effective? Do they understand their roles in the health & safety program and the Act & Regulations? Committees too, like all safety initiatives, should have a return on investment; if they are not reducing the hazards or injuries at the facility, they are squandering resources. Proper training for committees is crucial, I can help.

Supervisor Development

Supervisors can be the key to the success of the safety program, but they can also cripple the program if they are not properly trained, or do not buy-in to the program. Supervisors should be effective coaches or mentors of their workers to get the most out of their departments.

Supervisor training can be completed all at once, in a couple days or as the company needs at hour long increments; a successful training program can be developed for your organization’s needs.



Cathy’s ability to seamlessly pull together a disparate program and communicate effectively to our staff and management have resulted in an exceptional leap in our program’s effectiveness. Our culture has changed and our program is now a meaningful part of our employees’ workday. The data show not only harm to employees reduced but our costs as well.

Because of her extensive knowledge, passion for the subject matter and her ability to organize and communicate effectively throughout the organization, it is our (and my) view, that Cathy would have few equals in her field.
— Fraser Galipeau, President, Trailtech Inc.
